Wednesday, 26 July 2017

‘Red in Tooth and Claw’

Each era and society has the sort of problems we avoid talking about or discussing. These are topics which are too uncomfortable to discuss, or just to mention them will cause a huge upset or a fiery argument. The same is true of animal welfare and protection.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Raising the Alarm on Designer Breeds

A new competitor for purebred dog breeders emerged some years ago. Heralding a new century, new achievements, new habits. Finally, the ‘evolution’ of new breeds has arrived for those who are bored with the normal ones. Please welcome the Alusky, the Bull Boxer, the Rustalian Terrier, and probably the most admired one, the Labradoodle. The revolution of breeds has arrived!

Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Sometimes They Come Back

Volunteering, supporting charities or committing any noble deed has become a sort of social trend. It shows the individual in a good honourable light. A society that is eager to change for the better is more prosperous than an apathetic one. Contributing towards and participating in animal welfare is in this same category of doing good, and is highly important for many of us. However, I’m going to shatter this perfect illusion just a little bit. 

Monday, 3 July 2017


Animal welfare and protection has been a top issue in most of societies in the recent decades. The way we think about animals and their status within human society has changed a great deal. These changes have given rise to many issues and debates.
It is a complex topic. We are usually prone to react and think in a really emotional, driven way which leads to endless disagreements, conflicts, and a vast number of unsolved problems.

The subject of animal welfare and protection is packed with issues that don’t really get discussed. Either it is a delicate, even taboo, topic, or we just don’t consider these themes to be important enough.

In the case of dogs, the situation is much more complex. We are talking about a species highly domesticated and integrated into our society.
The everyday interaction of the canine and the human comprises some really complicated interactions with sometimes astonishing and sad results.

It is time to take a new look at animal welfare and protection issues from a different aspect and angle, and start to challenge some misconceptions...